Creating Your Story
Thank you for considering sharing your story with us. We understand this can be a daunting process, as such we would like you to contact us first so we can make sure we are supporting you in the way you would like. How you tell your story is up to you, but here are some ideas of what we have done so far to help you get started.
Please note you under no obligation to continue once you start. It is vital that you are moving at a pace you are comfortable with, if this means you have to stop, we completely understand.
Our Virtual Actors
Through Unreal's MetaHuman creation engine and some augmentation with other programs, we can generate virtual actors for our participants to speak through.

See them Speak

Aeronwyn Sample

Marshall Sample

Tom Sample
In medieval art all of the imagery has a symbolic meaning. We draw much of our influence from the tapestry set "The Hunt of the Unicorn". Feel free to add your own symbolism or use ours.
Creating your Virtual Actor
Our goal is to offer a virtual actor that participants feel comfortable speaking through. Here are some tutorials of our process, you can work independently or with us. You may allow your actor to be used by others, but that is up to you.
Using Generative A.I
We want to make sure you are given as much opportunity to tell your story the way you want to. We can work with you using Generative A.I to give you more creative control, this tutorial series will show you how you might approach it.